Allyssia here. Yesterday was Canadian Thanksgiving, and today is our day off to recoup after last night's festivities. So for all of you who celebrated with family and friends, happy belated Thanksgiving. For those of you celebrating in the US, don't' worry! You're day will come soon, along with a myriad of sales so that you can...have even more to be thankful for? Whatever. All I know is that we don't have Thanksgiving sales here, and Thanksgiving or the day after (Black Friday, maybe?)definitely aren't the biggest shopping days of our year.
*By the way, I was trying to be ironic with the title. I don't really speak that way.

Well this year I'm in grade 12, so this is probably the last year that I'll be able to really get into dressing up and go trick or treating, assuming that in university I'll be focusing on my studies instead of banging on doors just outside of the campus demanding candy. Because of this sad fact, I've decided that this must be the greatest Halloween yet. Since I can't have a party (I live miles away from the majority of my friends), I'll just focus all of my energies on finding a stellar costume. I was thinking maybe a show girl, a wench from the Renaissance, or a flapper.I wanted to be Storm but the costume is near impossible to find!
There's this wonderful costume shop in Toronto called Malabar (it's at McCaul and Queen West, for those of you who know the neighbourhood) that I'll probably try to rent my costume from. It might be pricey ($75-100) but I think that the last Halloween of my childhood is worth investing in.
Gossip Girl
I have to admit: I love this show. I love the fashions; the music; the ridiculously unlikely situations; the fact that everyone is hot for some reason; the fact that it glamorizes some very negative things. It's a really entertaining show and, yes, I will be watching it tonight on the CW if my unenlightened family members will let me have my hour of television.
Please don't stop the music
1) I CANNOT find the Flying Lizards CD! I've been looking all summer, and I've yet to find a store with a sales associate who even knows who they are. Am I on glue? Is this band a figment of my imagination? Does anyone have their CD? If so, where did you get it?
2) I'm organizing a concert to raise funds for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada. It's to be called POW!. I'm trying to get some hip, young, fun, colourful, unique bands to perform. If you live close to Toronto, I would look out for tickets at some point early next year. I'm just throwing that out there now. I'll try to keep up to date with the event's progress.
I organized a used clothing/BBQ/bake sale during the spring called Project X123 to raise money for Sunshine Dreams for Kids. We ended up raising $1500 for the charity, which isn't too shabby seeing as it was the first fundraiser that I organized by myself.
Arighty. That's all for tonight. I need to go study for my Spanish test. Oh, and props to me! I didn't mention any of the foolishness going on in my personal life. That, my friends, is what we call restraint and professionalism.
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