Then we played Scrabble and it was decadent.
First day of work
Today was my first day at the Gap. I went in trying to look very Gap-ish and I think it worked. Basically, I wore what I always wear but without the crazy Chucks, which I now know are actually permitted! I think that I'll enjoy working here. At the beginning of orientation they showed us this awesome video montage of the Gap in previous decades. It made me pumped. It was great. The discount in wonderful.
Hunting for flying lizards
I went to the local HMV to try to order the Flying Lizards' eponymous album, only to be told that the CD had been permanently discontinued. Is that even allowed? I couldn't believe my ears! I was able to order their second CD, but this came as such a demoralizing blow. This means that I'll need to search through obscure record stores for my fix, which I guess isn't necessarily a bad thing. I can't even download the CD on Limewire because nobody has the songs! I guess I'll need to look extra hard in New York. I hear that they have a few record stores there.
On a brighter note, I picked up Uh Huh Her's Common Reaction and Shad's The Old Prince. These should keep me warm for now.
I hated the song at first but, after hearing it again and seeing the smoking hot music video, I was addicted. It's fun, it's up tempo, and I guess it has a good message? Don't believe me? Yeah, I guess I wouldn't either.
A great cover. I love the bossa-nova/new wave sound that this band produces. They're CDs are constantly in rotation on my CD player or my iPod. I hop that they come up with another album soon.
A girl that I got to know really well when I was in Spain got me hooked on this song. It's a great song to dance to in the mirror to.
I have no idea why this is in my head. There's just one line that keeps playing over and over again in my head: I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray. Classic.